Being a professional and competent strategy and management consultancy, k:k smart finance GmbH is your partner for the development, implementation and supervision of all kinds of ideas and projects relating to your strategic management, banking, finance and risk management as well as SMARTEN and innovative projects you pursue. Additionally, we provide you with a number of activities and services in accordance with the special features of the public sector.
We advise and support you as our client whether you are situated in the public sector, a private or municipal company or a financial institution with all your projects to fulfil your current tasks and reach future goals. You can rely on us being neutral and independent and working in your best interest to find the SMARTESTE solution and if you wish, implement this solution quickly and effectively.
We take on environmental, social and economic responsibilities with our actions. This does not only hold for us as a company, but also for the support we offer you as client in the fulfillment of sustainability goals to improve the living conditions of our society in the sense of a sustainable development.
We can offer advice on and distribution of financial instruments, which require a license in accordance with the German banking act (KWG), being a tied agent falling within sentence 6 of paragraph 2 (10) KWG under the liability umbrella of one of our partners.